姓名 | 负责地区 | 电话 |
曹 | 18765923086 |
国食药监械注册号: | 鲁青械备20180196号 |
产品说明: | 脑电图帽盘状电极脑电帽 新型脑电图帽与盘状电极配合使用,方便定位,操作简单快捷,清洗方便。 【产品特点】 1.与盘状电极、导电膏,磨砂膏配合使用。 2.定位基于10-5,10-10,10-20系统,方便电极定位操作。 3.帽子皮材质为弹性硅胶,佩戴舒适,适用于多数头型; 4.盘状电极固定在弹力网帽上,方便定位,模套柔软,可减轻佩戴者压痛感,且方便佩戴、清洗。 5.用于脑电图长程监测、脑电监护以及多导睡眠监测等。
The elastic cap is an innovation of TENOCOM. The EEG cap helps you easily reduce the setup time for 20 EEG electrodes from 45 minutes to 5 minutes. The design of the cap is based on Ergonomics and Computer 3D aided modeling technology. The cap is comfortable for patient to wear because the design is based on the characteristics of the head. It is suitable for people of all ages. The raw material of the cap is medical-grade elastic silicone which can reduce tenderness. It is suitable for long-term monitoring, especially for ICU patients. It is used for EEG and PSG study. It is unnecessary to measure the electrode position, for the cap is based on 10-5, 10-10 and 10-20 international position system. Each model corresponds to a color,which is easy to distinguish and more friendly.